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中文摘要: 本文从断路器的灭弧过程概要分析和论述了在开断电容电路时,可能会出现重燃和重击穿现象导致很高过电压的原因,其过电压的大小与选用断路器的灭弧能力有关.同时论述了真空断路器的特点和应用.
Abstract:Starting from the arc extinction process of C.B., here is given a general analysis about the causes of the possible presentation of extremely high overvoltage, resulting from the re-burning and re-breaking-down phenomena when capacitive circuits are interrupted. The magnitude of overvoltage depends on the extinction capacity of the selected C.B.. The paper also describes both characteristics and applications of vaccum C.B..
keywords: interrupting capacitor set overvoltage vaccum C.B.
文章编号:19950107 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
陈汉鹏 | 上海电力学院成人教育部 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
Chen Hanpeng | Division of Aldut Education |
Chen Hanpeng.Overvoltage of Interrupting Capacitor Set and Application of Vaccum C.B.[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1995,11(1):45-52.
Chen Hanpeng.Overvoltage of Interrupting Capacitor Set and Application of Vaccum C.B.[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1995,11(1):45-52.