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中文摘要: 本文从电力行业建立现代企业制度的需要出发,提出广义的电力企业行为及其规范研究的命题.论述了行为规范的基本内容和动态控制,设想了广义电力企业行为的规范评价体系三维标准及其评价步骤.
Abstract:In this paper, propositions for study into behavior and its criterion in electrical power enterprises in a broad sense are suggested, the basic content and the dynamic control of behavior criterions are discussed, and an evaluation system for behavior criterions, a 3-dimension standard and evaluation process in electric pewer enterprises in a broad sense are conceived from the view point of the requirement for the establishment of modern entorprise system.
keywords: behavior criterion in electric power enterprise evaluation system 3-dimension standard evaluation process
文章编号:19950109 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
吴大器 | 上海电力学院管理工程系 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
Wu Daqi | Department of Electric Power Engineering |
Wu Daqi.A Preliminary Investigation into Behavior Criterions in Electric Power Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1995,11(1):57-63.
Wu Daqi.A Preliminary Investigation into Behavior Criterions in Electric Power Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1995,11(1):57-63.