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中文摘要: 本文通过对否定的结构和修辞等特征进行分析,从而说明否定并不相对于肯定而存在,它应是-个相对独立的语言范畴。
Abstract:Analyzing the structural and rhetorical features of negation in English, this paper proposes that negation in English should be approached as a self-existing language phenomenon instead of the negative varieties of positive structures, thus facilitating learners in composing correct structures in sentence-making associated with negation, in interpreting the ambiguity in meaning of negative structures and in choosing the proper Chinese wording in translation without being influenced by the English structure.
文章编号:19960314 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
孟广君 | 上海电力学院电力工程系 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
Meng Guang-jun | Department of Electric Power Engineering |
Meng Guang-jun.Analysis of Negation Structures in English[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(3):94-102.
Meng Guang-jun.Analysis of Negation Structures in English[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(3):94-102.