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中文摘要: 本文介绍一个集监测仪表、数据通讯及计算机软件为一体的DT-100/C电压监测系统。该系统从设计上保证了监测仪表的测量精度及时钟精度,有很高的抗干扰能力,又从功能上满足了电压监测的所有统计和数据存储要求。尤具创意的是,将电脑网络技术和现场仪表通过多种媒介构成完整的数据处理系统,提高了监测数据的准确性、可靠性和实用性。该系统通过了电力部无功成套质检中心及上海电力表计厂按DL500—92《电压监测仪订货技术条件》的全部试验,并在1995年华东电网科技大会上获得“1995年华东电网重点推广产品”称号。
Abstract:In this paper, a voltage monitoring system combining monitoring instruments, data communication and computer software into one is recommended. The system ensures the measurement precision and the clock precision of the monitoring instruments, and possesses very high anti -jamming capability in respect of design. It can also meet all requirements of statistics and data storage for voltage monitoring in respect of function. The most creative aspect of the system is in that the computer network technique and field instruments are combined into an integral data processing system through various media, and thus enhance accuracy, reliability and practicality of monitored data. The system has passed all tests conducted by the Quality Inspection Center of Reactive Complete Set of the Ministry of Electric Power and Shanghai Electric Meter and Instrument Factory according to DL500 - 92 Technical Specifications of Voltage Monitoring Instruments Ordering, and appreciated as a product for emphasized spreading in East China Power Grid at the Science and Technique Meeting of East China Power Grid, 1995.
文章编号:19960402 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Zhang Jian-min,Huang Jian.Development of DT-100/C Voltage Monitoring System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(4):10-15.
Zhang Jian-min,Huang Jian.Development of DT-100/C Voltage Monitoring System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1996,12(4):10-15.