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中文摘要: 本文依据计算机网络的发展趋势就建立校园网的必要性、可行性进行了分析,从学校的现状、潜力以及可采用的网络技术等多方面讨论了建网优势以及所存在的问题;并且对于在建网过程中应该注意的事项、工程的步骤等也作了一些探讨,在综合分析了常见的网络技术之后,依据学校的实际情况提出高速以太网与交换技术相结合的方案并加以详细说明,为校园网工程的实施提供参考。
Abstract:The project of campus network system, we discuss in this paper, is based on the condi-tions in our institute and the advantage or disadvantage of different nctwork technologies.The every step to proceed and the key point of each step are concemed strongly in the paper. The problems we might face while the network project is going on, and how they will be avoided or solved are discussed in our words too. In the final part of the paper, we take out a network system plan using FastEthemet and switc.
keywords: 100 VG-AnyLAN ATM FastEthernet Internet Intranet switching
文章编号:19970111 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Zhou Lin | Department of Automatic Engineering |
Liu Xiaoluo | Department of Automatic Engineering |
Zhou Lin,Liu Xiaoluo.Design of Campus Network System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1997,13(1):62-71.
Zhou Lin,Liu Xiaoluo.Design of Campus Network System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1997,13(1):62-71.