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中文摘要: 电力行业向市场化方向改革的两个基本问题是“破”与“立”。破,就是打破传统电力行业发、输、配一体化的格局,将其分离成相对独立的实体;立,就是按市场规律重新组织织发、输、配实体,形成新的模式。笔者认为,建立电力市场垂直渠道系统模式,能使“立”的问题既符合电力行业本身的特点,又符合市场规律。并提出基本电力市场和大区电力市场新概念,以及垂直渠道系统在电力市场中的表现形式。
Abstract:Two main problem in the market-orientatad reform of power business are breaking-upand seting -up. Breaking-up is to brcak up the traditional integral structure of powergeneration, transmission and distribution, to make them more indepeendent business units,while seting-up is to set up a new marketing model of business unit of power generationtransmission and distribution according to the market. The auther belives that the applyingof VMS in power market can make this seting-up more adaptable to the market economyand to the specific chareteristic of the power market. The author also introduces the newconcepts of basic power market' and 'big area power market', and the various applicationsof VMS in power market.
文章编号:19980310 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Ding Huikai | Department of Economics & Managemeat |
Ding Huikai.Probe into Vertical Marketing System (VMS)in Power Market[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1998,14(3):53-57.
Ding Huikai.Probe into Vertical Marketing System (VMS)in Power Market[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1998,14(3):53-57.