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中文摘要: 教育是经济和科技发展的基础,21世纪人类将步入知识经济社会,对人的素质将会提出更高的要求,文章从教育思想、教育需求、教学内容、教学方式及教育产业化诸方面,探讨了在知识经济社会里教育的发展趋势。
Abstract:Education is the base of development of economy and science and technology. The21st century will be a society of knowledge economy, which requires people to enhancethe quality of them. This article approaches the development trends of education underknowledge economy society from education ideology, education requirement, educationcontent, education method and education industrialisation.
keywords: knowledge economy education talent trend
文章编号:19980312 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Guo Haomin | Shanghai Institute of Electric Power |
Zhu Jiasheng | Unitersty of Shanghai for Science and Technology |
Guo Haomin,Zhu Jiasheng.Analysis of Education Trends of Knowledge Economy Society[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1998,14(3):65-71.
Guo Haomin,Zhu Jiasheng.Analysis of Education Trends of Knowledge Economy Society[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1998,14(3):65-71.