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中文摘要: 本投资决策支持系统(IDSS)是通过选用数学模型,对投资方案进行技术经济分析。财务分析,以及风险性和敏感性分析建立起来的.特别是当存在多个备选方案时,可利用相关方案的评选决策模型进行选择,从而为正确决策提供依据.本系统可支持下列几种决策:企业改扩建、技改投资决策;新产品的开发、更新设备、技术引进、设备大修理投资决策;投资资金的分配决策等。
Abstract:By means of mathematical modeling, this investment decision- making supporting systemanalyses investment programs in terms of tech -economics, financial affairs, risks as well assensitivity. In the system, there exist more than one altemative investment programs. It ispossible to use the decision -making model for selection of relevant programs to provide basisfor correct decision -making. The system may support decision -making for the following :reconstruation and expansion of enterprises, investment of technology reforms, investment ondevelopment of new products, investment on equipment replacement, investment on technologyintroduction, investment of overhaul of equipment and allocation of invested capital.
文章编号:19990111 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Shi Quansheng | Shanghai Institute of Electric Power |
Wang Qunliang | Anhui Electric Power Build of Repair Workshop |
Shi Quansheng,Wang Qunliang.Investment Decision-making Supporting System for Industrial Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(1):57-64.
Shi Quansheng,Wang Qunliang.Investment Decision-making Supporting System for Industrial Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(1):57-64.