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中文摘要: 地铁迷流对地铁主体结构钢筋和其他金属构件有腐蚀作用.有关行业标准对迷流腐蚀的危险性规定了直接指标和控制指标(电位移).介绍了电力工程系研制的测量、记录有关迷流电位的SDP-1地铁迷流电位记录仪的基本结构、原理、功能及其测量实例.
Abstract:The subway dispersed current can corrode the main body reinforcing steel bats and other steel components of subway. The correlative profession committee rules the direct norm andthe control norm印otential) of subway dispersed current.This paper introduces the basic structure, principle, function of SDP-1 subway dispersed current recording instrument and some real examples of measuring dispersed current potential. The instrument was researched and made for measuring and recording the dispersed current potential of subway.
keywords: subway dispersed current natural earth potential skewing potential recording instrument of potential
文章编号:19990203 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Zhang Qunyao,Wang Luyang,Cheng Nailei,et al.Measurement of Subway Dispersed Current-SDP-1 Recording Instrument of Subway Dispersed Current Potential[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(2):15-23.
Zhang Qunyao,Wang Luyang,Cheng Nailei,et al.Measurement of Subway Dispersed Current-SDP-1 Recording Instrument of Subway Dispersed Current Potential[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(2):15-23.