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中文摘要: 简要地介绍了一种计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)工具集中的PowerDesigner,讨论了其在电力企业管理信息系统(MIS)开发中的应用.指出了在MIS开发中体现分析设计过程和结果的文档是非常重要的,文档产生的速度快慢、文档的质量高低是决定MIS开发项目能否取得成功、MIS是否具有生命力的重要因素之一,而CASEI具集能帮助我们快速清晰地表达、分析设计思想,是我们开发MIS形成清晰文档的有力工具.
Abstract:In this paper, a set of CASE tools, PowerDesigner, and its application in thedevelopment of electric power enterprise MIS are represented and discussed. It is believed thatthe documents to present the process and results of analyzing are primarily important. Andalso, the rate of document production and the quality of documents are two of the crucialfactors for the success, vitality and life-span of MIS. PowerDesigner can help us to representour development work explicitly and efficiently. PowerDesigner are powerful tools in theentire MIS life-cycles.
keywords: electric power enterprise MIS CASE methodology life-cycle
文章编号:19990304 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Cao Wei | Department of Electric Power Engineerig |
Cao Wei.PowerDesigner and its Application[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(3):24-30.
Cao Wei.PowerDesigner and its Application[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(3):24-30.