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中文摘要: 综合业务数字网(ISDN), 其基本特点是利用单一的通信网络实现包括话音、文字、数据、图像在内的综合业务.目前, 窄带ISDN已进入实用阶段, 很多发达国家已经开通了商用ISDN, 宽带ISDN仍是国际上通信研究的热点.对ISDN进行了较全面的介绍, 给出了其定义及提供的业务, 并深入讨论了实现ISDN的关键及其发展趋势.
Abstract:Intergrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) showi the basic characteristic of intergratedservices including voice, text, data and image with a single communication network. At present,ISDN has stepped into the ptactical stage. Many developed countries have realized businessISDN. Broadband lSDN is still the hotspot in international communication researeh field. Thispaper introduces ISDN comprchensively, presents the definition of ISDN and its supplying serv-ices, discusses the key technologies for realing ISDN and itS trend in future.
文章编号:19990409 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Hu Lingyuan | Dmpartinent of Information and Control Technology |
Hu Lingyuan.The Status Quo and Developmental Tendency of ISDN[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(4):52-58.
Hu Lingyuan.The Status Quo and Developmental Tendency of ISDN[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(4):52-58.