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中文摘要: 对供电企业的服务工作如何做到规范化、系统化、标准化作了分析, 提出了在提高供电服务质量的同时, 必须注重研究供电企业的运营方式, 通过研究不同用户的需求来确立供电服务标准, 认为服务质量控制的程序, 不仅要制订标准, 更要有过程控制和结果评价, 必须从落实管理职责、确保人员和物质资源供应, 以及建立质量体系结构3方面建立供电服务质量体系.只有这样, 才能达到改进服务、提高服务质量的目的.
Abstract:Analyzing the way to service normalization, systemiration and standardization of power-supplying enterprises, this paper proposes that in order to improve the service quality leveof power -supply, it is necessary to put stress on the rescarch into the operational ways ofpowe-supplying enterprises, to establish the service standards in power -supply. The paperalso puts formrd that the procedures of service quality contral should include not only theestablisment of stahdards, but also process control and result evaluation so as to improve ser-vice quality level. Furthermore, service quality system should be established by mcans of thefulfilment of such three jobs as satisfying management function, ensuring of the provision ofpersonal and materia1s and structuring quality system.
keywords: service quality standardization quality system
文章编号:19990415 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
Liu Guisheng | Dmpartment of Economics & Management |
Liu Guisheng.On Standardization of Service Quality of Power-supplying Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(4):89-93.
Liu Guisheng.On Standardization of Service Quality of Power-supplying Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,1999,15(4):89-93.