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中文摘要: 上海城市居民生活用电负荷曲线形态尖陡,对电力系统冲击很大.分析了上海居民生活用电已进入第三次家庭电气化高潮,并初步揭示了高温时段负荷中的通风降温负荷约占70%以及负荷-气温敏感度关系曲线.
Abstract:The curve of Shanghai urban household electricity load is very sharp. It has a large impact load on the Shanghai electricity system. In this paper, it is demonstrated that the urban household electricity demand in Shanghai has reached its third climax. It is shown that the load of ventilation and cooling constitutes about 70% in the household peak load. And the sensitivity curve of electricity load to weather is presented.
keywords: household electricity electricity characteristic sensitivity of electricity load to wether
文章编号:20000205 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Yu Mingzheng,Gao Baohua,Meng Xiansheng,et al.Characteristic Analysis of Shanghai Urban Household Electricity[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2000,16(2):23-25.
Yu Mingzheng,Gao Baohua,Meng Xiansheng,et al.Characteristic Analysis of Shanghai Urban Household Electricity[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2000,16(2):23-25.