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中文摘要: 在分析10kV系统中性点采用经小电阻接地后,对照IEC标准,针对低压电网中的TN系统TT系统和IT系统的安全性能的影响,提出了总等电位连接或10kV接地系统与低压接地系统分成两个接地网等安全措施.
Abstract:This paper analyzes the safety of LV network of TN system, TT system and IT system when the neutral point of 10kV network adopts small resistanc earthing. Comparing with IEC standard and taking the situation of the power system and the consumer into account, it points out some measures
keywords: distribution network neutral point small resistance earthing contact voltage contact voltage whole equipotential bonding
文章编号:20010103 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
YING Min-hua,CHENG Ai-lei.Impact of Small Resistance Earthing in Disturbance to Safety of LV Network and Measures[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(1):8-14.
YING Min-hua,CHENG Ai-lei.Impact of Small Resistance Earthing in Disturbance to Safety of LV Network and Measures[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(1):8-14.