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中文摘要: 首先分析了开发熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)发电厂的必要性、可能性及资源条件,然后从电极、单电池、电堆、系统4个层次阐述了MCFC燃料电池的发电原理,并分析了其中发生的主要热、电过程;给出了有代表性的天然气MCFC发电厂、煤气化MCFC-燃气轮机-汽轮机联合发电厂的原理、构成和主要过程;介绍了MCFC发电系统商业化的最佳容量、燃料选择、全球主要市场的前景和特点、商业化存在的障碍。最后简要阐明了我国大力研究和开发MCFC发电系统的现实意义。
中文关键词: 熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC) 发电厂 燃煤发电 天然气
Abstract:In this paper,the necessity,possibility and resources are first analyzed.Then the principles and main heat and electricity processes of MCFC at electrode,single cell,stack and system level are expounded.Thirdly the principles,structures and main processes of typical nature gas power plant and MCFC-Gas-turbine -Stream -turbine integrated power plant are given.Fourtyly the appropriate size,choice of fuel,
markets,technical and non-technical barriers of MCFC commercialization are introduced.In the end,the importance of studying and developing MCFCpower plant in China is briefly clarified.
文章编号:20010211 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SHEN Cheng,CAO Guangyi,ZHU Xinjian.Applications and Prospects of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(2):49-54.
SHEN Cheng,CAO Guangyi,ZHU Xinjian.Applications and Prospects of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(2):49-54.