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中文摘要: 在全面考虑电价及生产成本的基础上,以综合经济收益最优化为目标,提出了一种确定凝汽器经济运行工况的新指标——最经济真空.在试验、分析的基础上,确定了某国产 30 0MW机组凝汽器最经济真空.与传统的最佳真空相比较,凝汽器按最经济真空运行具有较大的经济效益.
Abstract:On the basis of overall considering the power price and cost of production, aiming at the optimum of comprehensive economic income and benefit, a new standard, the most economical vacuum is put forward to determine the economically working conditions of condenser. Based on experiments and analyses, the most economical condenser vacuum of a domestic mechanism 300MW set is determined. Compared with the one with the conventional optimum a vaccum, condenser operating in the model of the most economical vacuum can make greater economic profits.
文章编号:20020104 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
XIE De yu,SHEN Kun quan,LIU Hai yan.Research on the Most Economical Condenser Vacuum[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(1):13-16.
XIE De yu,SHEN Kun quan,LIU Hai yan.Research on the Most Economical Condenser Vacuum[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(1):13-16.