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中文摘要: 研究了用目前非常流行的可视化程序设计语言VisualJ++解决科学运算程序的运行界面问题.对于那些早期编写的科学运算程序,不管其复杂程度及程序篇幅如何,只要对原程序稍作修改,便可将其改为图形化窗口式的运行界面.
Abstract:This thesis attempts to solve the problem of operation interface of scientific calculationprograms in one of the most popular visual program languages-Visual J++.The scientific calculationprogram written in early period, no matter how the complication degree or length of the program is, couldbe changed into graphic windowsoperation interface as long as slight modification is made on the formerprogram.This thesis is useful to the scientific calculation programmers.
keywords: scientific calculation program interface designing
文章编号:20020211 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
吴存孝 | 上海理工大学城建学院, 上海 200093 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
WU Cun-xiao | College of City Construction, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093,China |
WU Cun-xiao.Interface Design of Scientific Calculation Program[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(2):41-45.
WU Cun-xiao.Interface Design of Scientific Calculation Program[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(2):41-45.