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中文摘要: 介绍了三维设计软件SolidWorks在机械工程学院毕业设计中的几个成功应用.采用全新的基于三维CAD技术的毕业设计对提高学生的学习积极性、提高毕业设计的水平和质量、培养学生的科研和创新能力,起到了良好的效果.
中文关键词: SolidWorks 毕业设计 创新能力
Abstract:This paper introduces several successful cases of using advanced 3D design softwareSolidWorks in graduation project among students specializing in mechanical engineering.It has beenproved that the method helps to improve students' ability in mechanical designing, inspiring students'creative and innovative ability, resulting in desirable teaching effects.
文章编号:20020215 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
李晓燕,钱炜,仲梁维.Solid Works在毕业设计中的应用[J].上海电力大学学报,2002,18(2):59-62.
LI Xiao-yan,QIAN Wei,ZHONG Liang-wei.Several Typical Application of Solidworksin Graduation Project[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(2):59-62.
李晓燕,钱炜,仲梁维.Solid Works在毕业设计中的应用[J].上海电力大学学报,2002,18(2):59-62.
LI Xiao-yan,QIAN Wei,ZHONG Liang-wei.Several Typical Application of Solidworksin Graduation Project[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(2):59-62.