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中文摘要: 供电网的重构力求可靠性和快速性。论述了在正常运行时预置故障后重构方案的方法,讨论了在保证供电网可靠运行的条件下,供电网内各线路可能发生的故障预置负荷的转移方案,包括网络重构、负荷组合方案、网损等的计算过程。在重构已预确定的情况下,负荷恢复供电将迅速简单,方法过程明了,容易实现。
Abstract:The reconfiguration of distribution network aims at relibility and promptness. This paper proposes the method of service reconfiguration in normal work after predetermined plan. On the condition of ensuring reliability of distribution network, predetermined plan is discussed for possible trouble of every line, including calculation process of network reconfiguration, plan of composite load, loss etc. On the condition of predetermined reconfiguration, feeding service of load will be fast and simple. The method is clear and may be realized easily.
keywords: network reconfiguration way loss arrangement
文章编号:20020405 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Yongjian,ZHANG Qunyue.Network Reconfiguration after Predetermined Plan and Load Transfer Method[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(4):19-23.
ZHANG Yongjian,ZHANG Qunyue.Network Reconfiguration after Predetermined Plan and Load Transfer Method[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2002,18(4):19-23.