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中文摘要: 语言与文化密不可分, 它是文化的一部分, 同时反映了文化.英语委婉语对西方文化特别是英美文化的反映是从通过对不同类型的委婉语的具体应用实现的.有关于死亡的委婉说法, 为避免亵读神灵鬼怪而用的委婉语, 有关性行为、排泄以及人体某些部位的委婉语, 有关年龄、相貌等个人特征的委婉语, 与某些职业有关的委婉语, 有关社会与经济生活的委婉语, 教育界使用的委婉语, 商业、广告等社会生活方面的委婉语, 以及有关战争的委婉语等
Abstract:Language is closely related to culture and is a part of it.And the culture of a certain nation can be reflected in its language.The English culture can be shown in English eupheumistic expressions to some extent.The cultural values of English euphemism are shown in the concrete uses of eupheumistic expressions about death, people's organ and physiological phenomena, age, appearance, profession, expressions concerning social and economic conditions, educational circles, commercial advertisements and war.
文章编号:20030116 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
朱红梅 | 郑州工程学院 外语系, 河南 郑州 450052 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
ZHU Hong-mei | Dept.of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou 450052, China |
ZHU Hong-mei.The Socio-cultural Values of English Euphemisms[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(1):75-78.
ZHU Hong-mei.The Socio-cultural Values of English Euphemisms[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(1):75-78.