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中文摘要: 简要介绍了我国目前大部分变压器的检修方法和状况, 从定期检修、延长设备寿命、保证设备安全运行, 以及经济性等方面探讨了此种检修方式的弊端, 并结合黄埔发电厂历年来变压器大修的实际情况, 阐述了变压器状态检修的必要性.对当今变压器状态检修的一些方法及变压器状态检修技术方案也作了初步探讨
Abstract:The techniques and status quo of the overhauling work of most transformers in China are introduced.The disadvantages of the existing regular overhauling technology are examined in terms of lengtheing span of service life, ensuring operation security and economical aspects.Based on the many-year history of transformer overhauling in Huangpu Power Station, the necessity of adopting reconditioning overhaul approach is emphasized.Meanwhile, some techniques and technical programs for reconditioning overhaul are put forward.
keywords: transformer reconditioning overhaul technical plan
文章编号:20030206 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
陆晓春 | 华中科技大学, 湖北 武汉 430074 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
LU Xiao-chun | Central China University of Science and technology, Wuhai 430074, China |
LU Xiao-chun.Reliability of Technical Plan for Transformer Reconditioning Overhaul[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(2):26-32.
LU Xiao-chun.Reliability of Technical Plan for Transformer Reconditioning Overhaul[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(2):26-32.