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中文摘要: 2500多年前, 孔子在我国历史上首创私学, 兴修教育, 打破了古代中国"学在官府"的局面.他所提倡和切身践履的"有教无类"、"终身教育"、"因材施教"和"启发式教学"等教育思想, 在当时领社会风气之先.在今天也属承前启后、继往开来的创新之举
Abstract:More than 2, 500 years ago, Confucius initiated private schooling, which made education no longer the monopoly of the government.He advocated "lifelong education", "open-door schooling", and believed "in education there should be no class distinctions"and "students should be taught according to their aptitude and by the elicitation method".These unprecedented ideas, which he put into practice, are still brilliant and innovative even today.
keywords: modern enterprise system economic efficiency of enterprise structure of property right managerial structure
文章编号:20030218 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
王耀廷 | 上海电力学院 社会科学系, 上海 200090 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
WANG Yao-ting | Department of Social Science, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
WANG Yao-ting.A Probe into Confucius'Innovative Thinking on Education[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(2):79-82.
WANG Yao-ting.A Probe into Confucius'Innovative Thinking on Education[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(2):79-82.