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中文摘要: 中国近代邮政的创办是中国走向近代社会的重要一步.中国近代邮政经历了从官方驿站、民信局、客邮三足鼎立到开办邮政官局30年的历程.在中国近代邮政创办的过程中,洋人执掌的海关起到推波助澜的作用.而清政府的固守成规,只是延缓了近代邮政的发展,但不能阻挠其发展的趋势.中国近代邮政于1896年创办成功.
Abstract:The establishment of Chinese modern postal service signified a big step toward Chinese modernization.It took 30 years to establish such a system.During the process, Chinese modern customs which was administrated by the foreigners promoted the establishment of Chinese modern postal service and finally obtained control over it.But the government of Qing Dynasty was so conservative as to delay the process.The system of Chinese modern postal service was not established until 1896.
keywords: modern Chinese customs postal service
文章编号:20030417 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
姚琦 | 华东师范大学 历史系, 上海 200062 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
YAO Qi | History Department of East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China |
YAO Qi.The Establishment of Chinese Modern Postal Service[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(4):77-81.
YAO Qi.The Establishment of Chinese Modern Postal Service[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2003,19(4):77-81.