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中文摘要: 儒家人文精神积极内涵的主要方面包括:以人为本、仁民爱物;居安思危、忧患以生;经邦济世、自强不息;厚德载物、中庸和合;富贵不淫、贫贱不移等.对这些思想进行深度挖掘和认真梳理,有利于解决现代化进程中的诸多矛盾.
Abstract:The positive implication of Confucian humanism lies in people-centeredness, benevolence, vigilance in peace time, successful administration of a country, unceasing efforts to improve oneself, broad-mindedness, self-restraint when in wealth and honor, sticking to one's belief when in straitened and humble circumstances. A further study on the implication will help to deal with contradictions cropping up in the process of modernization.
keywords: Confucian humanism positive implication
文章编号:20040315 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
王耀廷 | 上海电力学院社会科学系, 上海 200090 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
WANG Yao-ting | Dept. of Social Sciences, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
WANG Yao-ting.Study on the Positive Implication of Confucian Humanism[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(3):68-72.
WANG Yao-ting.Study on the Positive Implication of Confucian Humanism[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(3):68-72.