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中文摘要: 随着发电企业之间、发电与电网之间的市场竞争的真正形成和加剧,以及电力生产运行、设备检修与管理业务越来越标准化的趋势,使得发电投资主体采用外包方式将电力生产的各种业务活动委托给专业性公司,这一管理模式的广泛应用,促进了发电生产服务业的产生与发展,有助于形成电力市场竞争,最终达到提高发电企业竞争力的目的.
Abstract:On the grounds of formulating competition market among power generation enterprises and between power generation and power grid,including the more and more standard management of power plant operation and maintenance,the power generation enterprise subcontract some projects of power operation services to particalar service companies.Wide use of the model of subcontract will contribute to the occurrence and development of power generation service.Hence it will also help to form the compertition in the market and finally reach the target of advancing the competitiveness of power generation enterprises.
文章编号:20050319 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
王红艳 | 上海电力学院 高职学院, 上海 200433 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
WANG Hong-yan | School of Advanced Vocational Education, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200433, China |
WANG Hong-yan.The Occurrence and Development of Power Generation Service Provoked by the Competition of Power Generation Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(3):275-278.
WANG Hong-yan.The Occurrence and Development of Power Generation Service Provoked by the Competition of Power Generation Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2005,21(3):275-278.