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中文摘要: 通过试验研究分析了金属材料在不同温度时冲蚀磨损的机理与性质,并主要针对电厂锅炉高温对流受热面常用钢材15CrMo合金钢进行了常温态与热态冲蚀磨损的试验,得出15CrMo合金钢材料在不同温度时抗磨损性能的特点与规律.
Abstract:The erosive mechanism and character of metallic material at different temperatures are studied and analyzed by the erosion resistance experiment for 15CrMo alloys steel, which is mostly used on the convective heated surface of boiler in power plants, at constant and high temperature. With the analysis and comparison on the experiments, the features and laws of erosion resistance at different temperatures for 15CrMo alloys steel's are concluded.
文章编号:20060101 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHAO Xian-ping,SUN Jian-rong.Expermi entalReseach of 15CrMo Alloy Steel's Erosion Resistance at Constant and High Temperature[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(1):1-4,8.
ZHAO Xian-ping,SUN Jian-rong.Expermi entalReseach of 15CrMo Alloy Steel's Erosion Resistance at Constant and High Temperature[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(1):1-4,8.