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中文摘要: 通过分析现代资本结构理论,得到了负债经营可为电力企业带来避税效应和财务杠杆利益的启示.但在实际中,为了实现其目标,还要做好相关的工作,如认真选择负债经营的方式、确定合理的负债规模和期限、制定负债经营利率政策等.
Abstract:The inspiration from the theory of modern capital structure is that indebtedness can bring tax avoidance and income from financial leverage to electric enterprises.But in practice,the appropriate measure,for instance,is choosing the way of indebtedness carefully,defining rational scale and time limits of indebtedness and formulating the policy of interest rates.
文章编号:20060217 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
晋自力 | 上海电力学院 管理与人文学院, 上海 200090 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
JIN Zi-li | School of Management and Humanities, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
JIN Zi-li.The Inspiration from the Theory of Modern Capital Structure on Financing for Power Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(2):167-170.
JIN Zi-li.The Inspiration from the Theory of Modern Capital Structure on Financing for Power Enterprises[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(2):167-170.