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中文摘要: 超细煤粉技术能有效地控制大型燃煤电站锅炉的NOx排放.同时超细煤粉技术还能提高电站锅炉运行的经济性,改善飞灰的综合利用.超细煤粉技术包括一般的超细煤粉技术和超细煤粉再燃技术,在我国有广泛的应用前景.使用超细煤粉作为燃料时,比采用普通煤粉作为燃料降低NOx排放的效果要好,对于空气分级燃烧的大型电站锅炉,NOx排放的降低随着空气分级程度的增强而增强,能有效降低NOx30%以上的排放量.使用超细煤粉技术还能提高锅炉的热效率.
Abstract:Superfine pulverized coal technology can reduce NOx produced in the coal-fired power plant boiler effectively.It can also economize the cost of power plant and improve the use of the ash in the flue gas.Superfine pulverized coal technology includes the common superfine pulverized coal technology and the superfine pulverized coal reburning technology.The technology will be used broadly in China.The use of superfine pulverized coal instead of common coal on the large-scale power plant will reduce more NOx by more than 30%.It could also improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
文章编号:20060407 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
YIN Jie,REN Jian-xing,WEI Dun-song.NOx Control in Large-scale Power Plant Boiler Through Superfine Pulverized Coal Technology[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(4):333-337.
YIN Jie,REN Jian-xing,WEI Dun-song.NOx Control in Large-scale Power Plant Boiler Through Superfine Pulverized Coal Technology[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2006,22(4):333-337.