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中文摘要: 热电企业的安全性评价是综合运用系统工程对日常生产工作的安全性进行度量和预测的一种评价法.它确认发生事故的可能性及其严重程度,提出相应的整改和控制措施,达到预防、控制隐患和事故的目的.目前,运用得比较多的方法有:权变综合评价、灰色关联度评价法等.
Abstract:The principle on security appraisal of the cogeneration is a way of appraisal to carry on the tolerance and predict the daily security of operation synthetically by means of moden scientific method,the likelihood of accidents and its severity of the accident to confirm,to put forward the corresponding rectifying and improving and control measure to prevent and control hidden danger and accident.At present,methods that are more widely used include the comprehensive appraisal of adaptability in tactics,gray related degree of evaluation assessments,etc..
keywords: security appraisal gray incidence appraisal method comprehensive appraisal of adaptability
文章编号:20070319 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SHI Quan-sheng,NIU Qing-hong,LU Qing-yun.Degree of Grey Incidence and Variable Weight Synthesizing Applied in Cogeneration Safety Assessment[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):272-276.
SHI Quan-sheng,NIU Qing-hong,LU Qing-yun.Degree of Grey Incidence and Variable Weight Synthesizing Applied in Cogeneration Safety Assessment[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2007,23(3):272-276.