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中文摘要: 主要介绍了脑功能障碍治疗仪的硬件电路和工作原理.设计的脑功能治疗仪是由单片机控制其外围电路产生频率、幅度均可调的正弦波、三角波和锯齿波的电刺激治疗仪(非药物治疗).设计的脑功能障碍治疗仪可产生频率为0~20 kHz,峰-峰值为72 V,步进为0.5 V的安全波形,满足医疗需要.
Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the working principle and hardware circuit of the therapeutic instrument for injured brain function. Controlled by SCM, it can produce programmable triangle wave, sin wave and saw wave in frequency and magnitude to stimulate FN (non-medicine treatment). The therapeutic instrument for injured brain function can produce safe waveform from 0 to 20 kHz, and the peak-to-peak value of waveform is 72 V, step by 0.5 V.
文章编号:20080119 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LIU Hong-li,ZHU Wu.The Design of Therapeutic Instrument for Injured Brain Function[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(1):69-72.
LIU Hong-li,ZHU Wu.The Design of Therapeutic Instrument for Injured Brain Function[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(1):69-72.