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中文摘要: 针对地理信息系统(GIS)在配电网规划中的应用情况,分析了当前基于GIS的配网规划软件现状.根据配网规划的整体流程进行了详细设计,建立了一套功能较完整的配网规划系统.与以往软件相比,该系统具有自身实体库及图模一体化功能,能根据图形自动生成系统拓扑及网络节点导纳阵,在无需大量数据输入的情况下可方便地对网络进行优化规划、潮流计算及无功优化.该系统功能全面,自动化水平高,不依赖于第三方软件和商业数据库,具有很高的实用价值及可扩展性.该软件系统已在许多地方得到了成功应用.
Abstract:Considering the GIS application condition on the distribution network planning, the existing GIS-based distribution network planning software is analyzed. A comprehensive and systematic distribution network planning system is designed and developed according to the distribution network planning process. Compared to other planning software, this system has entity library of its own and chart-module integration function, which can create topology of network automatically, and need a little data input for optimization planning, power flow calculation and reactive power planning. The software features all-round functions, high degree of automation, independence of the third party software and commercial database, higher practicality, and extensibility. This software has been applied in many power companies successfully.
keywords: geographic information system distribution network planning chart-module integration topology analysis
文章编号:20080205 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SU Juan,JIN Yi-xiong.Design and Development of GIS Based Distribution Network Planning System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):114-118.
SU Juan,JIN Yi-xiong.Design and Development of GIS Based Distribution Network Planning System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):114-118.