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中文摘要: 采用同轴数字全息术和数字图像处理技术相结合的方法对粒子场中的粒径进行测量.阐述了同轴数字全息术的基本概念和原理,确定了粒子的边界并测量了粒子的尺寸,并针对一个粒子和多个粒子的情况进行了仿真实验研究.实验结果表明,测量的相对误差均在8%以内.
Abstract:A digital in-line holographic recording and reconstruction method is used in the particle image for the diameter measurement. In digital holography, image reconstruction is carried out numerically on a computer by using observed hologram patterns and some quantitative information can be derived from the reconstructed images which are properly segmented by using threshold selection method(MEM). The particle boundary is determined by Laplacian of Gauss operator. The diameter of particles can be obtained by calculating the size of the particle. The experiments indicate a rate of errors of less than 8%.
文章编号:20080210 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
XIA Fei,LI Zhi-bin.Simulation Research of In-line Digital Holography for Particle Diameter Measurement[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):136-140.
XIA Fei,LI Zhi-bin.Simulation Research of In-line Digital Holography for Particle Diameter Measurement[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2008,24(2):136-140.