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中文摘要: 针对核电厂常规岛厂用电,利用现代化电子技术成果,对装置构成、软硬件配置、逻辑原理、参数设定等进行设计,以期达到厂用电电源实现慢速切换,确保安全、可靠运行,且在切换过程中不造成设备损坏停机的目的.
Abstract:Aiming at the electric consumption of the conventional island in nuclear power plants,applying the modern electronic technology,the design takes into consideration the components of the the facilities,the allotment of software and hardware,logical principle and parameters,with a view to achieve the effect of slow switching of power supply for internal use,secure and reliable operation and without causing damage to the equipment or the breakdown of the unit.
文章编号:20100205 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
GUAN Xin-juan | East China Electric Power Designing Institute, Shanghai 200063, China |
GUAN Xin-juan.Logic Design of Slow Switching of Power for Internal Use in Nuclear Power Plant Conventional Island[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2010,26(2):119-122.
GUAN Xin-juan.Logic Design of Slow Switching of Power for Internal Use in Nuclear Power Plant Conventional Island[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2010,26(2):119-122.