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中文摘要: 对于包含众多元件和结构复杂的线性电路,采用一种系统化的方法加以处理,可以使列方程和求解方程的工作都由计算机完成.采用节点列表法,用MATLAB的脚本语言设计具有通用性的电路仿真程序,对含有电阻、电感、电容、互感、独立电源以及受控源等元件的稳态电路进行了一般性的求解和分析.
Abstract:For the linear circuit in high complexity which contains many elements,a systematic method consisting of computer-aided equation-lining and solving is proposed.The generic simulating program based on MATLAB scripting language is designed,which performs general circuit solving and analyzing based on the node-listing method.The program can be applied to complex steady-state circuits which may contain resistance,inductance,capacitance,mutual inductance,independent power supply as well as the controlled source circuit elements.
文章编号:20100303 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
黄南晨 | 上海电力学院 电力与自动化工程学院, 上海 200090 | 200600138@shiep.edu.cn |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
HUANG Nan-chen | School of Electric Power and Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China | 200600138@shiep.edu.cn |
HUANG Nan-chen.Design and Realization of Circuit Analysis Program Based on MATLAB[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2010,26(3):220-222,241.
HUANG Nan-chen.Design and Realization of Circuit Analysis Program Based on MATLAB[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2010,26(3):220-222,241.