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中文摘要: 针对目前配网自动化系统的结构和特点,以及配网自动化对通信系统的要求,结合国内配电自动化领域各种有线、无线通信方案,详细分析了各种方案的优缺点,以期为配电自动化具体实施方案的制定提供一定的参考.
Abstract:Aimed at the framework and characteristic of the current distribution automation and the requirement to the communication system and according to the domestic distribution automation field of literature,many different kinds of communication plans are compared comprehensively.Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in detail,which provides the certain reference for the project practice.
keywords: distribution automation communication plans optical fiber communication carrier communication
文章编号:20110107 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
潘卫钢 | 上海东捷电力设计有限公司, 上海 201300 | pwgggnh@hotmail.com |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
PAN Wei-gang | Shanghai Dong Jie Power Design Company Ltd., Shanghai 201300, China | pwgggnh@hotmail.com |
PAN Wei-gang.Comparison of Distribution Automation Communication Solutions[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2011,27(1):29-33.
PAN Wei-gang.Comparison of Distribution Automation Communication Solutions[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2011,27(1):29-33.