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中文摘要: 阐述了可中断负荷、电力备用辅助服务的定义,介绍了可中断负荷参与电力备用的国内外现状、备用需求量与备用价格的确定方法.指出了在电力市场环境下,采用考虑用户机会成本损失的市场化价格是促进可中断负荷积极参与备用的有效措施.
Abstract:Interruptible load (IL) and power spare auxiliary services are defined. The application of interruptible load (IL) in domestic and abroad market for reserve capacity is introduced; and the way the volume and price of the reserve capacity are defined at present is stated. It is concluded that market pricing strategy considering the loss of opportunity cost is an effective way to promote the participation of interruptible load (IL) in the market of power reserve capacity.
文章编号:20120205 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
郝静 | 上海电力学院, 上海 200090 | ychaojing@126.com |
王鲁杨 | 上海电力学院, 上海 200090 | |
谢敬东 | 国家电力监管委员会华东监管局, 上海 200002 |
HAO Jing,WANG Lu-yang,XIE Jing-dong.The Analysis of Ancillary Service of Power Reserve with Interruptible Load[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(2):121-124.
HAO Jing,WANG Lu-yang,XIE Jing-dong.The Analysis of Ancillary Service of Power Reserve with Interruptible Load[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(2):121-124.