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中文摘要: 在膜接触器实验装置上,研究了以一乙醇胺(MEA)为吸收液,捕集CO2时的试验性能.考察了混合气浓度、气液流速和溶液再生等因素对CO2传质系数的影响.结果表明:提高吸收液或者烟气流量,可提高总传质系数,而增加进口烟气中的CO2浓度会导致总传质系数的降低;由于溶液再生时溶剂有所损失,使得再生溶液的传质效果要小于原液.
Abstract:Monoethanolamine(MEA)is chosen as the absorbing liquid to capture CO2.Factors affecting the CO2 mass transfer coefficient of mixed-gases concentration,gas-liquid flow rate and regeneration solution are studied.Results show that improving the absorption liquid or flue gas flow can improve overall mass transfer coefficient while increasing 2concentration of flue gas leads to the reduction of the overall mass transfer coefficient because of the solvent loss during regeneration process,mass transfer coefficient of regeneration solution is poor.
keywords: hollowfiber membrane membrane contactor CO2 monoethanolamineb flue gas mass transfer coefficient
文章编号:20120610 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LI Fangqin,LI Yanchao,LI Henan,et al.Study on System Mass Transfer Coefficient of Carbon Dioxide Capture by Membrane Method[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(6):537-540.
LI Fangqin,LI Yanchao,LI Henan,et al.Study on System Mass Transfer Coefficient of Carbon Dioxide Capture by Membrane Method[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2012,28(6):537-540.