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中文摘要: 介绍了STM32F4控制器的特性及启动和程序下载的方式.提出了用软件方式更新下载应用程序的方法,弥补了下载程序需要硬件下载器的缺陷.设计并实现了STM32F4启动程序,以及使用该软件下载器时必须对应用程序进行包括参数配置、中断向量表的重置等的修改,实现了应用程序的远程下载功能.
中文关键词: STM32F4控制器 系统启动加载器 参数配置 向量表重置
Abstract:The characteristics and their start up mode and downloading program methods of STM32F4 controller are introduced.A new method of updating application program with software boot loader is proposed for overcoming the inconveniences of downloading programs with hardware downloader.ASTM32F4 boot loader program,its realization methods,functions and applications are analyzed.Also the modifications of user application programmust be done when using the boot loader,including parameter configurations,and reconfiguration and revision of interrupt vector table. Finally,the boot loader is realize daanduser application program can be downloaded formremote control.
keywords: STM32F4controller systemboot loader parameter configuration interrupt vector tablerecon figuration
文章编号:20130313 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
袁三男 | 上海电力学院电子与信息工程学院,上海 200090 | samuel.yuan@shiep.edu.cn |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
YUAN Sannan | School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China | samuel.yuan@shiep.edu.cn |
YUAN Sannan.Realization of Remote Downloading Program Based on STM32F4[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(3):254-270.
YUAN Sannan.Realization of Remote Downloading Program Based on STM32F4[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(3):254-270.