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中文摘要: 针对超临界供热机组热网加热器疏水系统设计思路,分别对回水至凝汽器或凝结水泵出口两种回水接收方案、凝结水加热器串联或并联的方案进行分析,提出了几种可行的设计方案.参照某工程的实际情况,采用最小年费用法进行技术经济比较,最终确定了两级串联降温、回水至凝结水泵出口管道的设计方案.
Abstract:The draining system of heating network heater on supercritical heat supplying unit is discussed. The design scheme for draining to the condenser or to the pipe at export of the condensate pump is analyzed. The design scheme for the heater of the condensate which is series or parallel is analyzed. Some design schemes are introduced. The actual situation of some project is introduced,including several kinds of improved design scheme with drainage for heater of network for the supercritical heat supplying unit,and techno-economic comparison is conducted. Ultimately the design scheme of two-stage cooling and recovering to outlet piping of condensate pump is determined.
keywords: supercritical heat supplying unit draining system of heating network heater techno-economic comparison
文章编号:20130509 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
叶强 | 河北省电力勘测设计研究院, 工艺部 河北 石家庄 050031 | yeqiang@hbed.com.cn |
李青松 | 河北省电力勘测设计研究院, 工艺部 河北 石家庄 050031 |
YE Qiang,LI Qingsong.Analysis and Comparison on Draining System of Heating Network Heater in Supercritical Heat Supplying Unit[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(5):446-450,471.
YE Qiang,LI Qingsong.Analysis and Comparison on Draining System of Heating Network Heater in Supercritical Heat Supplying Unit[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2013,29(5):446-450,471.