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中文摘要: 综合考虑了配电网的经济性和可靠性,从电力负荷、燃料价格、上网电价的不确定性以及环境污染治理的价值几个方面,分析了配电网的经济性效益和可靠性效益,然后分析分布式电源接入对配电网综合效益的影响,最后以上海市为例说明考虑分布式电源时配电网的综合效益波动,表明分布式电源接入配电网虽然目前不会带来综合效益的大幅增加,但在节省成本和环境保护方面具有着很大的研究意义.
Abstract:Combining the economy and reliability of the distribution network, the economic benefits of the distribution network are analyzed from the power load, fuel prices, the value of tariff uncertainty and environmental pollution, and reliability economic benefits. Then the impact of DG access to comprehensive benefits distribution network, finally to Shanghai as an example of distribution network when considering the overall efficiency of DG fluctuations is analyzed. It is indicatied that although DG access to the distribution network does not bring a substantial increase to the overall efficiency, in terms of cost savings and environmental protection it does have great significance.
文章编号:201500102 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Shixianga,SHAO Huizhuangb.Overall Efficiency Assessment of Power Distribution Network Based on Distribution Network[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(1):19-23.
ZHANG Shixianga,SHAO Huizhuangb.Overall Efficiency Assessment of Power Distribution Network Based on Distribution Network[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(1):19-23.