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中文摘要: 基于分布式光伏电源及其并网的特点,分析了分布式光伏电源大量接入配电网可能带来的影响,如对配电网供电质量、供电可靠性、配电网网络损耗、配电网安全运行及配电网的调度管理等方面的影响.对分布式电源接入引起的网损及电压的影响进行了仿真分析,提出了解决的措施.
Abstract:Based on the characteristics of distributed photovoltaic power and its interconnection, analysis is made of a large number of distributed photovoltaic power access, the likely impact of the distribution network, such as the quality of power supply, power supply reliability distribution network, the network loss, the safe manipulation of distribution network and distribution network dispatching management. The impact of network loss on voltage caused by distributed power is analyzed by means of simulation. Some measures to solve the impact are pointed out.
文章编号:20150304 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Jun,GUO Feng,CHEN Siyu,et al.Analysis of the Impact of the Large-scale Distributed Photovoltaic Power on the Distribution System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):214-218.
ZHANG Jun,GUO Feng,CHEN Siyu,et al.Analysis of the Impact of the Large-scale Distributed Photovoltaic Power on the Distribution System[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):214-218.