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中文摘要: 针对电厂制水装置进行了系统改造,提出了一种新工艺并加以实施.介绍了PWT型机械加速澄清池和虹吸滤池的设计改进和实施过程.指出了PWT型机械加速澄清池和虹吸滤池联合处理工艺在低浊度原水处理净水站项目的可行性.结果表明,工艺满足相关技术规程,达到相关国家标准的要求.
中文关键词: PWT型机械加速澄清池 虹吸滤池 净水站 低浊度
Abstract:The source water treatment equipment of power plants is systematically improved and a new process is put forward and implemented. The design improvement and implementation process of the PWT mechanical accelerated clarifier and siphon filter is analyzed. The feasibility of PWT mechanical accelerated clarifier is pointed out and siphon filter processes is used in water-purifying station which has low turbidity. The processes conform with relevant technical regulations, and meet the relevant national standards.
文章编号:20150319 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LIU Yu'an,LIU Weidong,LIN Kaihong,et al.Technology Improvement&Implementation of Source Water Treatment System in the 600 m3/h Water-purifying Station Expanding Capacity Project[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):283-287.
LIU Yu'an,LIU Weidong,LIN Kaihong,et al.Technology Improvement&Implementation of Source Water Treatment System in the 600 m3/h Water-purifying Station Expanding Capacity Project[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(3):283-287.