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中文摘要: 针对煤制气项目副产的气、固废弃物引起的环境污染问题,通过分析废气、含尘焦油、细灰滤渣等不同组分及其燃烧特性,对多种废弃物回锅炉掺烧进行了可行性分析,指出了掺烧过程中存在的几个难点问题,并结合煤化工气化炉工艺技术要求及某些煤化工企业掺烧的应用实例,提出了相关的改进措施.
Abstract:In order to solve the pollution problems of gas and solid wastes, which are the products of coal gas purification, the combustion characteristics of different compositions, including the gas wastes, the tar oil with dust, and filtration residue are analyzed.By analysis of the feasibility of mixed burning of the gas and solid wastes in power station boilers, difficulties and countermeasures in mixed burning are pointed out in combination with the process requirements of the coal-chemical gasifiers, and examples of mixed-burning projects in the coal-chemical enterprises.Finally improvement schemes and suggestions are proposed.
文章编号:20150517 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
潘世汉 | 浙能集团新疆准东能源化工有限公司 | panshihan@126.com |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
PAN Shihan | ZhunDong Energy Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Energy Bloc, Qitai 831800, China | panshihan@126.com |
PAN Shihan.Analysis and Research of Mixed Burning of Gas and Solid Wastes in Powers Station Boilers[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(5):477-482.
PAN Shihan.Analysis and Research of Mixed Burning of Gas and Solid Wastes in Powers Station Boilers[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2015,31(5):477-482.