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中文摘要: GaInP/GaInAs/Ge多结太阳能电池在聚光的条件下最高转换效率可以在40%以上,这种多结太阳能电池性能优异,对温度的影响相对较弱,且随着加工技术的改进其单片价格逐渐降低.采用菲涅尔镜聚焦的方式,可以提高单位面积的辐射量,从而降低发电成本.通过对高倍菲涅尔镜聚光发电进行研究分析,得出了电池性能提高的数据,同时研究聚光误差所产生的影响,对定位提出了±1°的误差要求.
Abstract:GaInP/GaInAs/Ge multijunction solar cells under the concentration situation maximum efficiency reach more than 40%,the multi-junction solar cells have better character,lower temperature influence,and the cost decreases with technical improvement.Using the Fresnel lenses to concentrate the sunlight can reduce the cost efficiency.Through the Fresnel concentrator photovoltaic simulation research,the solar cells performance improvement data are obtained.The influence by the concentrator angular misalignment is studied.It is proposed that the minimum error should be less than ±1°.
文章编号:201600502 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
谢飞 | 上海电力学院 | xiefei@shiep.edu.cn |
张国贤 | 上海大学 |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
XIE Fei | Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China | xiefei@shiep.edu.cn |
ZHANG Guoxian | Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China |
XIE Fei,ZHANG Guoxian.Application and Analysis of Multi-junction Concentrator Photovoltaics[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2016,32(5):417-421.
XIE Fei,ZHANG Guoxian.Application and Analysis of Multi-junction Concentrator Photovoltaics[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2016,32(5):417-421.