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中文摘要: 中国率先提出的"一带一路"战略作为当前能源战略实施的重要导向,已经得到了世界上众多国家的认可.中国正在积极开展电力能源的对外合作,但不是每个对外合作项目都进展顺利.对中国电力行业"走出去"战略的实施路径进行了归类,并结合典型的海外合作项目,分析了中国海外电网建设的影响因素.最后,以中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊为例,提出了未来中国电网建设"走出去"战略可以采用复合型的实施路径.
Abstract:"One Belt and One Road" put forward by China as an important orientation of current energy strategy implementation has won the acceptance by many countries in the world. China is actively developing electric energy foreign cooperation, but not every foreign cooperation project goes well. The implementation of the "going out strategy "of China's electric power industry is summarized and,combined with the typical overseas cooperation projects, analysis of the influence factors of China's overseas power grid construction is conducted. In the case of China-Pakistan economic corridors, it is put forward that the future of China's power grid implementation of the "going out" strategy can adopt a compound path.
文章编号:20160321 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Shixiang,ZHANG Xiaoling.On the Implementation Path of China Power Grid Construction “Going Out” Strategy[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2016,32(3):306-310.
ZHANG Shixiang,ZHANG Xiaoling.On the Implementation Path of China Power Grid Construction “Going Out” Strategy[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2016,32(3):306-310.