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中文摘要: 针对化工园区产生的各类危险废物的形态和特征,从废物的工艺路线选择、工艺流程分析、设备工艺参数选择等方面探讨了回转窑焚烧系统的工程原理和性能特点。工程实践结果表明,采用回转窑+二燃室+余热锅炉+急冷塔+干法脱酸+布袋除尘+湿法脱酸工艺能够满足国家标准中对于烟气污染物排放及灰渣热灼减率的要求。
Abstract:Considering various types and characteristics of hazardous waste generated in chemical industry park,the rotary kiln incineration system engineering principle and performance are discussed from aspect of process route selection,process analysis and equipment process data.The project illustrates that the process route of "rotary kiln,SCC,waste heat boiler,quench tower,dry reaction,bag filter and wet reaction scrubber" could meet the national pollution emission and ash clinker ignition loss requirement for hazardous wastes incineration.
文章编号:20183016 中图分类号:X705 文献标志码:
WANG Zhaohong,LI Bo.Review of Process Design of Rotary Kiln Incineration in Chemical Industry Park[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(3):283-286.
WANG Zhaohong,LI Bo.Review of Process Design of Rotary Kiln Incineration in Chemical Industry Park[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(3):283-286.