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中文摘要: 马克思是一位伟大的思想家,马克思主义依然是当今这个时代最有影响力的理论之一。马克思有着光辉的道德品质,包括远大的人生志向、伟大的博爱精神、百折不挠的意志品质、持之以恒的坚定毅力,这是他创立马克思主义理论的精神动力与支撑。马克思主义有着历久弥新的生命力,也有着不断理论创新的内在要求,中国共产党人用新的实践新的语言谱写了马克思主义的新版本,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义。
Abstract:Marx was a great thinker,and Marxism is still one of the most influential theories in this era.Marx has the glorious moral quality,including the great life ambition,the great love spirit,the indomitable will quality,the unbendable perseverance,which is the spiritual motivation and support which constitutes the foundation of the Marxism theory.Marxism has an enduring vitality and the inherent requirement of continuous theoretical innovation.Chinese communists have written a new version of Marxism with new practice and new language,further enriching and developing Marxism.
文章编号:2018z1002 中图分类号:A81 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
焦连志 | 上海电力学院 马克思主义学院 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
JIAO Lianzhi | School of Marxism, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
JIAO Lianzhi.Lofty Ideals,Shining Morals,and Great Theories: the Towering Achievements of Marx[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):4-8.
JIAO Lianzhi.Lofty Ideals,Shining Morals,and Great Theories: the Towering Achievements of Marx[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):4-8.