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中文摘要: "一带一路"建设不仅是经济层面的联动发展,更是文化、思想、社会等诸多因素的"走出去"。外语人才是"一带一路"建设进程中不可或缺的活跃因素,也是弘扬传统文化、树立文化自信、讲好中国故事的中坚力量。因此,在外语课程教育教学中加强思政教育,尤其是对弘扬传统文化的教育教学,对于"一带一路"倡议的建设与发展十分重要。结合外语课程教学经验,探讨如何加强外语课程思政教育及其对弘扬传统文化的重要意义
Abstract:The construction of "One Belt One Road" is not only the coordinated development in the economic level,but also the "going out" of culture,ideology,society and other factors.The talents of foreign languages are an indispensable active factor in the constructive process of "One Belt One Road" and also the backbone to carrying forward traditional culture,building up cultural confidence and telling good stories about China.Therefore,it is very important to strengthen the ideological and political education in teaching foreign language courses for the construction and development of the "One Belt One Road" initiative,especially in education to carry forward the traditional culture.Discussion is conducted on how to strengthen the ideological and political education in teaching foreign language courses and its significance to carry forward the traditional culture.
keywords: One Belt One Road foreign language courses ideological and political education traditional culture
文章编号:2018z1010 中图分类号:G641.6 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
文仲莲 | 上海电力学院 外国语学院 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
WEN Zhonglian | School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
WEN Zhonglian.Ideological Political Education of Foreign Language Courses in Carrying forward Traditional Culture under “One Belt One Road” Initiative[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):35-38.
WEN Zhonglian.Ideological Political Education of Foreign Language Courses in Carrying forward Traditional Culture under “One Belt One Road” Initiative[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):35-38.