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中文摘要: 随着全球化的深入,将中国传统诗歌翻译成英语,与国际友人们一起分享我们的悠久历史与灿烂文化是新时代的目标之一,这样就使格律诗英译成为一大重点与热点。格律诗的产生,是基于一系列基础要求的完善而形成的。因此,在对格律诗进行英译的同时,很难顾全其所有内容、形式,必然存在取舍问题。因而,格律诗的具体英译方法需要探索和尝试。无论是形式上的格律平仄、声韵特点、阅读特点,还是内容上的对仗修辞、典故运用、文化习俗,都要进行一定的比对与研究。可以说,格律诗的翻译方法探讨,既是对中英诗歌的共同点进行考校,也是对对等翻译问题的讨论。
Abstract:Chinese metrical poetry is based on the completion of a series of basic requirements.When we are to translate a poem into English,it is hard for us to care about all details of meaning and form.There must be a trade-off problem.So we need to discover and study some specific strategies of translating Chinese metrical poetry whether on the form like poetic metre,sound,rhyme and reading method or on the content like antithesis rhetoric,using of allusions,cultural customs.Thus,the discussion of the strategies of translating Chinese metrical poetry is actually a research on the common points of Chinese and English poetry,and also a way of research on equivalent translation as well.
keywords: poetry translation metrical poetry method
文章编号:2018z1021 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标志码:
ZHOU Yuzhen,WANG Yejie.On Strategies of Translating Chinese Metrical Poetry[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):75-79.
ZHOU Yuzhen,WANG Yejie.On Strategies of Translating Chinese Metrical Poetry[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):75-79.