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中文摘要: 永乐年间迁都北京后,明初南京兴建的各类官营娱乐场所逐渐没落,究其原因有多种:人口的急剧减少,摊派的税赋过重,导致城市工商业的萧条,消费力下降是主要原因;宣德初禁官妓,主流消费人群流失也是一个推因;随着乐籍制度的松弛,教坊司艺人逐渐脱离官方的辖制开始自谋出路,导致了官营娱乐场所人才的凋零;民间艺人的加入进一步打破了官方垄断的娱乐市场,加速了官营娱乐场所的没落。
Abstract:After the capital of Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing,all kinds of public entertainment places were gradually declining in Nanjing for various reasons.Firstly,the taxes were too heary because of the decline of the population in the city,which led to the depression of commerce and a decline in spending power.Secondly,the royal court prohibited officials to hire prostitutes,with the resault that the mainstream consumers were lost.Thirdly,the artists gradually broke away from JiaoFang department,leading to the shortage of talents in the public entertainment places.Lastly,the rural artists broke the monopoly market,speeding up the decline of public entertainment places.
keywords: Nanjing Ming Dynasty places
文章编号:2018z1028 中图分类号:I209.2;G256 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
夏太娣 | 上海电力学院 马克思主义学院 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
XIA Taidi | College of Marxism, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
XIA Taidi.Research on the Public Entertainment Places in Nanjing after the Capital Relocation[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):97-100.
XIA Taidi.Research on the Public Entertainment Places in Nanjing after the Capital Relocation[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2018,34(z1):97-100.